The Integrative Medicine model differs from the historical patient care model, in which the patients relied fully on the doctor’s expertise, knowledge and opinions. In this new approach to healthcare, patients and providers work closely together as they consider the treatment options that are available .
Some of the basic tenants of these plans are:
- Mutual trust and respect developed in the partnership creates the foundation of this system. The unique needs and desires of the patient are considered as traditional and alternative medical interventions are explored.
- Both the healthcare provider and the patient are active participants in the decision making process.
- There is an understanding that each person has a significant innate capacity for healing.
- This healing capacity can be supported and enhanced, regardless of the initial health condition of the patient.
In upcoming posts , the concept of the Wheel of Health will be introduced, and its components, that support optimal well-being will be discussed. Please feel free to share your thoughts and comments as we continue this blog discussion.
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