The events of the past week are unlike anything we have experienced in our lifetimes in this country. Early Monday, I finally made a trip to my local WalMart to get groceries (In case you’re wondering…I didn’t bother adding toilet paper to my list!) I was sad to see first-hand how this disruption of “normal life” is pushing many people in our community into a state of frenzy and hysteria. I’ve not seen anything like it before. My heart goes out to all anyone who is being ruled and paralyzed by the fear, anxiety and worry about what is coming.
I feel blessed that in my nature, I am not much of a worrier, and have rarely dealt personally with full-blown feelings of anxiety or fear in my life. I am so grateful for my personal Christian Faith, which has been a profound help and strong foundation during difficult times in my life. I want to be an encouraging and undergirding voice during this time for everyone I interact with in person or through my website blogs/FaceBook posts.
Around the world, the Coronavirus Pandemic has created a PAUSE in active, noisy, and busy lives. This PAUSE is providing anyone who is willing, a remarkable opportunity to consider how they desire to move forward into the days ahead. If we spend these days wisely, I believe we will come through this experience with deeper, stronger relationships and improved understanding of ourselves. I am committed growing spiritually during this time, desiring to hear what I am called to do in every situation.
Over the next few weeks, I will be sharing blog posts and a series of FaceBook posts with helpful ideas for you and your family as you navigate these unfamiliar waters. There may even be some self-treatment activities included! If there is any specific topics that you’d like me to address, please use the contact form on the website to let me know. I’d be happy to hear from you.
Until next time, take a deep breath and think of the beautiful possibilities!
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