In recent days, I have fallen into a pattern of working late on engaging projects that require me to concentrate. When I finish and finally tuck in, I lay with my eyes wide open, wishing
I’d drift off to sleep. On nights like these, after falling asleep,
I usually have more disturbances than usual. I notice that I’ve “been working” on my project in my sleep. Unfortunately, I expect that kids struggle with similar tendencies.
Here are a few simple suggestions that may prevent this issue:
Create a family wind-down routine that begins 30-60 minutes ahead of desired bedtime. Activities may include preparing backpacks for next morning, bath time, nightly pajama donning, toothbrushing, reading, etc.
Turn off all electronics and avoid having them in the bedroom
Turn ON relaxing music, turn DOWN the bright lights through out the house at least 30 minutes before bedtime
Spend a few minutes right before bed to share “the best things that happened today” or “the things I’m most grateful for” . Gratitude is a wonderful sleep aid!
I hope these ideas are helpful! Please share tricks your family uses to promote good sleep. I’ll be back in the next few days to share a few more sleep-promoting activities. Sweet Dreams!
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